Service d'arbres du quartier
Passionate about trees since a young age, it is with my love for nature that i have chosen my profession. i will care for your trees with the respect and attention that they deserve. generous of my time and attentive to your needs, i will be happy to advise you!
My experience with hiring Olivier Levasseur for various tasks on my property has been very positive. The tasks, wich have included trimming a tall hedge, climbing and cutting a large tree which had fallen close to power lines, and building sturdy steps to my existing deck, were executed with professionalism and attention to detail.
Being able to communicate with Olivier in my first language has been a plus ! I am happy to have been able to recommend him to friends and neighbors, and would certainly do so again!
Susan Stutt – Sherbrooke
Thank you Oliver for your efficient and appreciated service in attending to the health and maintenance of several trees on my property.
They are very important to me and my dog’s happiness!
Brenda M. Parsons – Magog
Le coût était selon les estimations, donc sans surprise.
Nous avons fait abattre plusieurs arbres, incluant deux très gros et problématiques près de la maison. Un orme abattu en morceau par la cime de l’arbre et l’autre, un tremble frappé par la foudre et donc compromis, nécessitant de le faire tomber dans l’état.
Ils prennent les précautions nécessaires pour ne pas avoir de mauvaises surprises. Tous les arbres abattus sont tombés où ils voulaient, en minimisant les dommages aux autres arbres. Nous n’hésitons pas à les recommander et allons utiliser leurs services encore dans le futur.
Mark Stiffel et Sharon Priest – North Hatley
So happy I found Olivier to cut and move some large trees on my property. He was professional and courteous. Highly recommended !
Mary Goyette – Lennoxville
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